Local Committee
Mill View Primary School is part of the Cheshire Academies Trust (CAT), governance of the academy is split between those matters decided at Board Level, and those matters delegated to the Local Committee.
The Local Committee is made up of community representatives, parents and school staff. Further information regarding governance across Cheshire Academies Trust schools, including the Scheme of Delegation, can be found at https://www.cheshireacademiestrust.co.uk/
The Local Governing Body is constitute in accordance with the requirements of Cheshire Academies Trust set out by Cheshire Academies Trust which shall include:
- Principal
- Up to 2 staff governors
- At least 2 and up to 4 parent governors
- Up to 8 co-opted governors
- The Governing Body at Mill View consists of 10 governors
As the Local Governing Body, we have an important role to play in both challenging and supporting the leadership team on key aspects of the school’s strategy, always with a strategic lens on governance and the safe but dynamic leadership of the school.
Once a vacancy arises, governors are elected or appointed onto the local committee and perform their role on a voluntary basis.
The focus of the local committee is:
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school by;
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
- Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure it's money is well spent;
- Ensuring the financial performance of the organisation and making sure it's money is well spent;
- Ensuring that other key players with a stake in the organisation get their voices heard.
We do this by knowing and understanding the school and the wider educational context, reading meeting paperwork and attending meetings where we ask questions to ensure that the best possible decisions are made for the benefit of the children in the school, attending training and development events to improve our skills and knowledge and adhering to the trust’s code of conduct.
Please see information regarding members of our Local Governing Body below, consisting of their name, pen portrait, term of office, areas of responsibility and any declarations of interest. Declarations of interest are checked at every Local Governing Body meeting, this page being updated with any changes which may arise.
Ali Gibbons - Headteacher
Declaration of Interest: Chair of PCC, St Michael's Church, Chester (April 2024)
Term of Office: 06/07/2020 - 05/07/2024
Stephen Webb - Co-opted Governor and Chair of Governors
Declaration of Interest: Family member works at another trust school
Term of Office: 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2027
I joined the Local Governing Body at Millview Primary School in May 2019 and was elected to the role of Chair in September 2019, a role I have held since that date.
I bring to the role of governor over 40 years of experience as a professional educator. I was a teacher in Primary education and subsequently held the role of Head Teacher of a 3-form entry Primary school. Since leaving that post, I have worked as a coach and trainer in educational leadership for national and local bodies, as well as individual schools and Academy Trusts. This experience has allowed me to bring insight and understanding to the important strategic process of school governance. It has also enabled me to be both supportive of the school’s leaders as well as questioning and challenging of them. I believe that the LGB’s role is to be a proactive and accountable part of a leadership process that offers the children, families and community served by the school, the best educational offer possible. On a personal level, I am a parent and grandparent and therefore frequently reminded of the issues and priorities that families face in society today and in the future.
Hailey Kelso
Co-opted Governor, Finance Link Governor and Vice-Chair of Governors
Declaration of Interest: Child at the school since 2018, position of general control or management in Unilever Ltd (research and development since 2023)
Term of Office: 07/06/2022 - 06/06/2026
I am delighted to be a Parent Governor at Mill View Primary School. I live in the local community and have a son at Mill View. I am a science graduate, with a Master’s degree in Chemistry and a PhD in Chemical Dynamics. I have 16 years’ experience in Research & Development in the private sector, and currently lead Research Programmes for a Global FMCG company. I am passionate about creating and promoting opportunities for children of all ages and have spent many years involved in activities within Girlguiding and STEM groups. As a governor, I hope to use my skills, experience, and resources to contribute to our School and support our Staff in providing the best education and experiences for our children.
I have been a co-opted governor at Mill View Primary since July 2019, and I am the responsible officer for data protection. I come from a family of teachers although I chose to follow a different career path. I am a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers working in Health and Safety IT consultancy. I have a master’s in business administration, and I am studying to be an executive coach. I am also a governor at Abbeygate College which my son attends. My daughter attends the Firs School. Some of the older children may remember my coding lessons from 2019/20 where they used computers to create their own dance routines.
Jane Beston
Co-opted Governor and Equality and Diversity Link Governor
Declaration of Interest: Company Secretary Clelida Ltd (February 2022), Associate, Primary Care International
Term of Office: 07/06/2022 - 06/07/2026
I joined the Local Governing Body at Millview Primary School in September 2019. I do not have a background in education or teaching. I bring 20 years' professional experience in the field of mental health, leadership and organisational change. I have worked across local, national and global organisations and in private, public and third sector organisations.
The school is an important part of the local community and as a parent, I am naturally keen that the school provides the best educational offer, is welcoming and inclusive, and supports the children with a wide variety of skills for their future.
Harry Morris - Staff Governor, Training Link Governor
Declaration of Interest: Family member works at the school
Term of Office: 07/06/2022 - 06/06/2026
Louise Thomas - Parent Governor and SEN Link Governor
Declaration of Interest: GwE education Consortia (September 2020 - present)
Term of Office: 08/03/2022 - 07/03/2026
My main priority is making sure all Mill view pupils feel valued, safe and secure and that they have the opportunity to reach their full potential.
Joanne Shepherd - Parent Governor and Safeguarding Link Governor
Iain Dalgano - Parent Governor and GDPR Link Governor
James Brown, Co-opted Governor
Declaration of Interest: Director of Savitas Consulting Ltd, Deeside Educational Trust: Trustee and Board Member of Abbeygate College since 13th January 2023
Term of Office: 19/06/2023 - 16/07/2024
Meeting Dates 2024 - 2025 |
Tuesday 17th September 2024
Tuesday 15th October 2024
Tuesday 12th November 2024
Tuesday 14th January 2025
Tuesday 11th February 2025
Tuesday 6th May 2025
Tuesday 17th June 2025
Tuesday 15th July 2025
The Mill View Governing Body will meet 8 times in 2024-25 and 7 times a year in subsequent years |
Becoming a Governor
School governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education. It is an immensely rewarding role that allows you to be involved in raising standards within school.
In addition to being over 18 years of age, governors need a strong commitment to the role and to improving outcomes for children, good interpersonal skills and, most importantly, a willingness to learn.
Parent governors are elected by parents of children attending school at the date of election, co-opted governors are appointed by the local committee and staff governors are elected by staff members of the school.
You can find out more about the role of a governor on the National Governance Assocation website.
If you have any ideas or comments for the governors in relation to the strategy or vision of the school, please do get in touch with us at [email protected]
School governors have a strategic role and do not deal with the day to day running of the school. Any questions of this nature should always be directed to school staff in the first instance.