Subject Progression Overviews
Our curriculum progression documents detail the route of study within a particular subject within school.
They detail the strategic skills that are taught throughout each year group of school, demonstrating how each subject has been carefully planned and constructed to be sequenced progressively year after year with pupils building on prior learning to move forwards. End points for each year group are also clearly defined, showing how children apply the knowledge, skills and understanding they are taught, against a clearly defined end point before moving on with their learning.
At Mill View, we do not believe in narrowing the curriculum for any learner. Our curriculum is designed to be inclusive to all, and our curriculum intent is therefore the same for all children. However we are mindful that there are many factors which need to be considered in order for all learners to be able to access learning according to their individual needs.
Across school. the implementation of our curriculum may look different for different groups of pupils. Teachers will plan, scaffold, challenge and embed learning through activities which are amended to meet children’s needs – we call this amended implementation. This is to ensure that our curriculum can be met by all within an inclusive environment, mindful and responsive to children’s needs.
We have used guidance set out within the NASEN teacher handbook to support us in amending our implementation throughout different subjects. Examples of how we do this across different subject areas are detailed in the documents below.